Apples from Poland
No fruit has a tradition as old as an apple. Neither has any erotic overtones so unambiguous and understandable in Christian culture. A symbol of paradise lost, original sin, something tempting and forbidden. According to a legend, a forbidden fruit stuck in Adam’s throat; losing paradise, he gained … the “Adam’s apple”, a characteristic pear in men.
Pectin contained in apples helps to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Apples in the daily menu significantly increase the chance of a longer and healthier life. The healthiest ones are eaten with the skin. Apples contain less vitamin C (7 mg in 10 grams) than citrus or strawberries, but two apples already provide about 30 percent. the body’s daily requirement for this vitamin. Consumed daily, they can be a significant source of it. The greatest amount of vitamin C is in the skin and just below it. Among the minerals, only potassium is present in significant amounts (100 mg in 10 g), there is little calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese . However, even these small amounts of minerals make apples helpful in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body. In addition, they perfectly quench thirst, because in 64 percent. they consist of water. The high fiber content of these fruits means that they quickly give the feeling of fullness, so desirable when losing weight and maintaining a slim figure. In addition, fiber (1.5 g in 10 g) stimulates metabolic processes.
Apples contain minimal amounts of protein and fat and close to 9%. carbohydrates , mainly fructose, are therefore relatively low in calories – 10 dag is about 40 kcal. Two apples provide about 100 kcal, which is as much as one stuffed wafer.
Apples can be eaten both raw and in the form of juices, compotes, wine, jams, jellies or as ingredients of many salads and dishes, especially warm.